Friday, May 8, 2015

They say you never regret a run, and they're so, so right.

I have this habit.

Every few weeks I will blog about something mundane, something that's gotten me somewhat motivated again to start running. Then, I run a little. And then I run not at all. I take a blog break. I throw tiny pity parties, and I don't even offer hors d'oeuvres. Yes, I had to google how to spell that word. What kind of party is that, anyways. At least serve some cheap wine.

I decide yet again to write another post about how *this* will be the time I get back on the horse. I guess the motivation isn't working so well if I have to keep writing the same thing over and over again, right?

Good god, woman. Get over yourself already!

I ran one day this week, after work and it was on the treadmill. When I first started running, I would run most days after work, but it was just too stressful to juggle running with making dinner, finishing homework and having family time. So I eventually turned into a morning runner, sometimes even getting up before 4am to get in all the miles. On Wednesday, I squeezed in 4 miles before dinner, and wow was it totally worth it.  The self talk leading up to those 4 miles was pretty ridiculous. I basically spent 20 minutes convincing myself that I would come home and run before doing anything else. My legs felt a little heavy, but eventually I got into the groove and finished 4 miles in just over 36 minutes, watching some House of Cards to pass the time. I'm only on season one, but it's already getting pretty interesting.

Francis, you slept with Zoe! And Claire was ok with it! Confusing! Claire totally should have slept with creepy artist guy. Must keep watching! 

I felt amazing after those miles, nice and sweaty! I meant to run at least one more time before the weekend, but the rest of the week kind of got away from me. I had plans to get outside today since the weather was glorious, but instead opted to take a nap instead of trying to shimmy in a run between errands and dinner.

I napped for 2 glorious hours.

Totally worth it.

My alarm is set for tomorrow morning, to run with my friend, D. I'm excited - it will be sunny and crisp, my favorite. A run is the best way to start the weekend.

Best way to start a day, in fact.

Let's do thissss.

Happy Mother's Day weekend to all of you out there!

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