Tuesday, February 9, 2016

We haven't really talked since last year...

Oh haiiiii!

I'm back. 

New Year, New m.. 

Nope. Old me. Since the half marathon, I had been taking it pretty easy around here. I'm wasn't killing myself waking up at 4 to workout, although I probably need to get going on that honestly.  It's been lots of shorter, more intense workouts.


You know, a whole lot of nothing. The holidays flew by and now we're back to the new year. Clean slate. Fresh start.

I haven't really been to the gym much ever in the last 10 years, but a few weeks ago one night when we took the kids to the Y, I was shocked at how packed it was at 7:30 in the evening. Sardines. 

Then I remembered what day it was-
January 7th. Barely into the new year. Of course. Now, I think it's great that people have made resolutions to get healthy and stay active. My hope is that it continues.

Funny thing is, once you make exercise a regular part of your life, January doesn't feel much different, which is actually kind of nice. 

We have lots of running plans coming up in the next year and I've been meaning to get back on track with consistent running but I haven't managed more than a few miles a time, maybe a few times a week. The going's been slow, people. S-L-O-Wwwww. <insert turtle emoji>. 

Last Monday, J asked me if I wanted to run the Tacoma city, which kind of caught me off guard. I know he'd been planning on signing up but we hadn't discussed if I would run as well. Races aren't cheap and we already have lots of $$$ allocated for summer and fall races. Anyways, I said yes, of course, because a slow half marathon can't keep a girl down. I figure it would be the perfect motivator to keep me in running shape for when our summer running really takes off. 

I did some quick perusing of training plans, and found one that worked well with my schedule. I've always had the best luck with the Another Mother Runner plans. Love em.  I worked backwards from the day of the race and calculated back 13 weeks, which is the duration of the plan. The plan start date was 2/1, which of course was last Monday, the day we discussed running the race together! 

So, i ended up starting off strong with a rest day. But the next morning, my alarm blared at 4am, and once again I found myself in the cold but welcoming garage gym I've come to love accept as my chilly morning training ground. I know I only have had one week of training but the 20 miles I logged last week was really the kick off I needed and have been waiting for to get my ass going. 

I love the AMR plans because I feel like they truly do take into account that we all have lives that coincide with running, and that sometimes the other part of our lives - kids, husband; work- need to take precedence. It helps you figure out the perfect balance as well as give perspective. Who doesn't need perspective, especially when you're wrangling on your sports bra at 4:05 in the dark, dark morning as you're trying to not wake up your snoozing husband as well as avoid tripping over piles of semi folded laundry. Ah, kid chores. 

Let's mix it up, shall we? I usually I recap the week in the beginning but it kind of didn't fit that way soooo, here is a recap of last week.

Week 1:

2/1: rest
2/2: 4 miles - 2 mile x.25 rest. 

5 rounds 
        Kb - 10 swings. 
       10 upright rows

2/3: 5 miles ladder workout
        1 mile WU. 1,2,3,2,1 x2
        .25 finish 47 min
        30 sec rest, 1.5 min recovery jog for            rest intervals 

2/4: Rest

2/5: 8 miles. 1:15+ 

2/6: 1 mile warmup, TM. 
        20 min Emom
         -20 KBS 25#
         -3 squat clean thrusters - 45#

        PM: 5 rounds, 8 lb
        Shoulder raises
        Lateral raised
        Bicep curls. 
        Hammer curls

2/7: 2 mile recovery. 19:44 
        5 rounds
        5 Deadlifts-95#q
        5 Push press- 45#

        20 shoulder taps
        20 mountain climbers

Total miles: 20
Rest days: 2
Strength: 3

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