Monday, September 26, 2016

Week 18. It's gettin real.

Week 18

9/19: 4 miles, TM. Pm
9/20:  5 miles, am w D
9/21: 4 miles, TM. Pm
9/22: Rest
9/23: Rest
9/24: 11 miles, mac
9/25: Rest


Miles: 24
Rest: 3
Strength: 0

This week was a little light on the miles but I'm totally okay with that. Two of my weekday runs were in the evening, which weren't as bad or annoying as I remembered it to be, and I think the endorphins helped me get through the rest of the evening without morphing into a complete lunatic. 

I met Macalla dark and early on Saturday morning for what I think was our last run together before the marathon! She's been  the best training partner, and we've definitely rejoiced, and suffered, through some miles through the last 18 weeks. Her lovely friend joined us for about half of our run, which made the first 5 miles fly by. The last 6 were a different story, as Mac's knee was acting up. We decided to slow it down, walk on the steep downhills which aggravated our knees, and cut the run short a mile. 

Now. Normally I would go home and add 1 mile to get to my 12 because I'm weirdly OCD about my mileage, but on Saturday I was totally okay with stopping when we needed to stop. At this point in training I know we can run all the miles, so there was no need to push through the pain. 

I'm excited/nervous for the taper, and I'm a little anxious for the race. I have a million thoughts jumbled in my head but am working on a check list for Marathon weekend, which should help organize things.

But let's be real, while I'm looking forward to rocking this marathon, I'm really planning on sleeping in so hard for all the rest of the weekends post race. 

So. This week. 

Taper time, like whoa.

Monday, September 19, 2016

3 weeks left. Like, whoa

Week 17

9/12: rest
9/13: 6 miles 
9/14: 4 miles
9/15: rest
9/16: rest
9/17: 20 miles 
9/18: rest


Miles: 30
Rest: 4!
Strength: 0!

17 weeks!

This is definitely the longest I have ever trained for anything. Those are also a lot of rest days up there. I honestly have been struggling the last few weeks to scrape up the motivation and energy to wake up early and treadmill it before work! I think my body is just craving more sleep, and it doesn't help that it is dark well up until I'm even dressed and ready for work. I'm bummed and a little mad at myself that I didn't take advantage of te summer mornings to run outside because how it's pitch black until 6:30, and just then a tiny bit of light starts to peek into the sky. 

My weekday runs were the usual- but both were evening runs, one with Dani and one on the treadmill. I thought about bagging the last 20 but decided to just suck it up and get in the miles for my last long long run before the race.

Mac and I planned to meet at the trailhead at 6:15 but we didn't get quite started until closer to 6:30. 

Did I mention it was dumping rain the entire time? Not even 4 miles into the run we could wring the water out of our shirts and my shorts formed suctioned diapers onto my meaty ham hock thighs. Also my top had formed a Saran Wrap like seal against my body, which I'm sure showcased my soft bagel like midsection. Who said runners aren't sexy? 

Me, that's who. 

We decided to mentally break up the run into 4 5 mile chunks, and I think this really helped us not dread all the upcoming miles. It was definitely one of the more eventful runs on the trail, as Mac saw a couple of snakes, an unknown creature scampering across the trail, and we passed droves of fisherman crazy enough to brave the elements and stand in the river to catch God knows what. We did get some comments from passing fisherman on our state of "crazy". Excuse me, fisherman, but I'd say all of us out there were pretty damn crazy. 

We also ran by a large electric gated fence where some emu-like animal resides. We got close enough for the animal to stare us down, which then resulted in a hilarious Kevin Hart convo:

By the turn around, we were feeling pretty good if not a tiny bit stiff. We were mindful this time around to stop as few times as possible, aside from stop lights and a couple impromptu bathroom breaks, to really get an accurate idea of our pacing. We also ran into a friend who was fitting in 18 miles for the day and he was able to run the last 7 for us. 

As usual, we scattered towards the last 3 miles, and I focused on keeping my form and finishing strong. I reluctantly took one last gu at mile 17, because I knew I needed to practice my race day fueling and strategy. Maybe that helped me finish pretty happily? Or maybe the runners endorphins took over and temporarily numbed the pain? In any case, we finished our second 20!

Now, time to cut back, rest up, and prepare for the longest run ever. 


First mile was accidentally 9:34. I don't know...

I walked in the door post run, and the kids gasped. I guess I looked a little wet? Also. My favorite socks have holes in the big toes. Why?! Need a new pair before race day!

I also just ordered new shoes but one model up from my current ones. Praying these are as good to me as my 18's

Monday, September 12, 2016

16. I can't count.

9/5: Rest
9/6: 8 miles
9/7: 4 miles
9/8: Rest
9/9: 4.76 miles
9/10: 11 miles
9/11: 4.26 miles


Miles: 32
Strength: Big fat zero
Rest: 2

Cutback week. I love that these are thrown in throughout the training but I think I definitely take too much liberties in these weeks. At this point, I've been training for 16 weeks. 4 GD months and I'm pretty over it. 

The kids' started school on Tuesday, and I take this day off every year and spend a day w JB. We go for a run, go out to lunch, and just lounge around until pick up, but this year I was on my own! 

I dropped off the kiddos, moseyed home, and set out for 8 easy-ish miles. I struggled through the last couple of miles and honestly didn't think I'd even make it through. I also managed 4 measly TM miles on Wednesday, but missed Thursdays wake up, so D so kindly met me at 5am (whoa so daark!!) on Friday to log a few miles. 

I'm also struggling with fitting in any cross training or strength. I'm still having a lot of issues w my elbow, and I really can't lift weights or attempt yoga. I can't even squeeze the dish sponge without pain shooting up my arm. Hmm, it might be time for some xrays. This gettin old shit sucks. 

This week's long was only 12, and initially I figured I'd try for 13 but Saturday was definitely one of those days where my head was NOT in the game, and my body was like, 

Oh girl. Helllll to the no.

Every mile felt like a struggle, and even the easier downhills were slog worthy. I spent every mile waiting for the next one, and the next one, instead of patiently keeping my mind present. I also took only one gel and a few chews, and ran out of water around mile 9. So thirsty. 

Oh! Did I mention I didn't start my run until close to 10? Who is not smart? 

Me! Me! *raises hands high in air*

Such a terrible idea, and I was served a swift punishment for taking my time in the morning. Yes, I slept in until 8:30 after a long night but still.... Some things just arent worth risking.  

To be honest, it wasn't as hot as some of my other runs, but it was warm enough to serve as a reminder to just get my ass up next time. 

I was this close to calling it good at miles 9, and then 10 but then made one last loop around the neighborhood to get to 11.  During this run k stopped about a zillion times and just stopped caring if I did or not. I wojld patiently wait at lights, hands on hips, watch paused, head down. 

At this point in the game, I know I can run 12 miles but on Saturday, I was throwing some sort of pre teen internal angst type fit, and just quit. I don't regret quitting because I think the last mile would have left a terrible taste in my mouth, but I was a little disappointed in how I felt the entire run. I felt like I didn't even get to enjoy the endorphins from the run; it was that disastrous. Womp.

And then the next morning, I unexpectedly started my period, which explained... A lot. 


Explains the fatigue, negative thinking, skewed body image. Ah what it is to be a woman. 

I'm hoping I can snap out of it this week because I guess we only have 4 weeks left until the race! I swear we had more time. 

Clearly I cannot count. 


I have no idea what happened to miles 6 and 7?!

Post long run. 
Beep beep! All aboard the struggle bus.

Boys greeting me with nerf guns, and requests for food. 

Long run split. Blah

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Shut Up We are so close

Week 15

8/29: Rest (camping!)
8/30: 7 miles
8/31: 4 miles, TM
9/1: 4 miles- 1 TM. 3 outside.
9/2: Off
9/3: 20 miles, boom
9/4: 5 miles, easy w D.


Miles: 40
Rest: 2
Strength: 1

Shit gettin real! I cannot believe the marathon is around the corner. I'm scared,yo. Scurred. 

I think the burnout hit me a few weeks ago and I've not quite been able to shake it but I also know that it'll be over soon. Ive really been dragging on my weekday runs, and have had to fit in a few evening runs instead of getting it done in the morning. I need to switch my mindset to excited anticipation instead of impending doom. 

Let me work on that one...

Last Saturday's 20 miles was... Uneventful? I mean, yes I ran 20 freaking miles but it was made much less painful with some good company as well as a surprise appearance of J on the trail towards the end of our run. We started out very nice and very slowly and then once we hit the halfway point and turned around to head back, I got a second wind yet again and found a little pep in my step. We did have to stop at a gas station for a water refill and some ibuprofen for Heidi's knee, but after we ran into J around mile 15, we spread out a bit more, and I ended up running the last 3 wth her. My goal was to try and push myself for the last miles and I ended mile 20 with a 8:28 pace, which felt very hard and very satisfying. 

20 miles. We did it! Now, we just need to add 6.2 more.

Sure thing. 

Post run. Everyone looking good except me. Ew, sorry 

Obligatory blurry watch photo

Splits. Well, as many as I can fit in the screenshot. 

New record! And of course, donuts.

And then later? A giant gas station burrito

We ended up school shopping for a few hours later in the day, which meant my only downtime of the day was taking a cat nap in the car. Probably not ideal, but at least I got this cute coat.

Don't worry, I will wear pants with it. 


Things I am looking forward to, post marathon:

Sleeping in
My pants fitting 
Less physical stress
Social life
Not having to bitch about marathon training 

Things I will miss: 

Running together wth M and H.
The satisfaction of running all the miles at once
The opportunity to bitch about marathon training

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Week 14 - Spectacularly unexciting and lame.

Last week was so uneventful I waited until the end of week 15 to even mention it. Bear with me, as I can barely remember yesterday...

8/22: 6 miles, outside?
8/23: Off
8/24: Off
8/25: 5 miles, treadmill
8/26: Off
8/27: 13 miles, outside with friends
8/28: Off


Miles: 24
Strength: 0 (doh)
Rest: 4

Well, that kind of sucked didn't it?

If you look at this week, looks like I'm either not even training, or training for a half. But alas, last time I checked I"m still registered for a 26.2 mile race in October.

I've been fighting some mild knee pain for most of this training but the last couple weeks after my great 17 miler has been fraught with debilitating pain near my knee cap. The dull pain started behind my knee where it bends and has moved its way forward. A few mornings I've had to either cut my runs short or just call it quits because of the pain. I've been trying to stretch and identify what is causing it. The pain comes and goes, and I notice lots of turns and downhills seem to exacerbate the problem. So far I've made it through 18 and 13 miles, but not without pain during and after my runs. I've had to skip my Sunday recovery runs two or three weeks in a row, and I'm not happy about it but I've woken up both mornings and had to hobble to the bathroom.

I had a freak out moment this week where I literally could not keep running. After reluctantly waking up to run on the treadmill before work, I made it one lame, sad mile before I had to call it quits. My knee was just not having it. I know stopping was the smart thing to do, but I was still not happy about it. I half assed-ly did some glute work out in the garage for about 10 minutes, and then grumpily got ready for the day. Once I got at work, I lamented over texts and emails with my wise, and very patient friends, and after some good bossing around counseling, I finally contacted the doctor and was able to squeeze myself into see a physical therapist on the 9th. Here's to hoping and praying my knee can hold up until the race.

So, as you can see this particular week was pretty lame but I didn't want to get into the head game of trying to hit a certain amount of miles or runs just to say I did, and risk injuring myself even further. Sometimes having to swallow your pride and take the suck is the route you have to go.

As a runner, sometimes it's hard making smart decisions. You feel me, right?