6/23: 4 miles, TM. AM workout. 37 min
6/24: 6 miles, TM. AM workout. 56+ min.
6/25: Rest - Came home and napped for almost 2 hrs this day!
6/26: Rest
6/27: 6 miles treadmill, 55+ min. 10 min strength
6/28: 20 minutes, strength circuit. MC Fit*
Run days: 3
Rest days: 2
Strength days: 2.5
Miles run:
I've had to take a boot camp break this week because D hurt her foot over the weekend. I definitely had to muster some motivation to work out on Monday after work. It's amazing how much more enjoyable it is with a friend! Hoping her foot heals quickly, mostly because I am selfish and need a workout buddy! Plus it's the best time to catch up on life!
It is getting easier to wake up to run during summer mornings. I'm still running on the treadmill even though it's light out by 5am, mostly for safety reasons. I live in a fairly populated suburbs but I still don't feel comfortable going solo that early. Most normal people aren't out on a 5am fun on a random weekday, know what I'm sayin?
Basically the only people out are insane: The runners, and the other crazies.
Basically the only people out are insane: The runners, and the other crazies.
I think this is the first week in a while that I've run two mornings in a row. I think. Or maybe I have but they haven't been as many miles because my legs are feeling it right now. Monday's yoga was also a killer workout for my legs so it is probably a combination.
I'm feeling pretty good these days with my combo of exercise and diet. I realize for the amount of exercise I try to incorporate into my life, I don't really look like I exercise you know?
Honestly the only way to control that for me is by diet, and probably some consistent weight training. But yes, mostly it's my diet. I'm trying to eat way less sugar than normal but that means much less cake and froyo.
I said less, not none. I can't resist a little sugar. No sugar, that's no way to live.
I had grand plans to work out in the evenings on Thursday but I've been crazy fatigued this week and ended up making the mistake of lying down on the bed and promptly passing out for almost 2 hrs. I woke up at 7pm, and the kids were zoned out in front of the tv and J was finishing up some editing on the computer. We ended up eating dinner out pretty late, and finished up the night with some McDonald's ice cream cones. #thesugarproblemisreal
Friday was my rest day and we had the Ragnar team meeting at our house. Our meeting was productive, we all went over our respective legs and chatted strategy over race day logistics. I think we're all getting pretty excited. I can't believe I'm running a relay! Again! What is wrong with me... Hoping the weather is not scorching like it has been of late. Please please please.
Yesterday we attended a wedding in a non air conditioned barn. It was quaint and very sweet, but also a raging inferno. I think my thighs were fused together with my sweat. #nothighgaphere
It was nice to have an excuse to dress up, socialize with friends we haven't seen in a while and of course, eat wedding food and wedding cake. Never say no to wedding cake.
We woke up late for church but I had about 20 minutes to squeeze in a quick workout so I tried a workout from a gal I follow on instagram* - instagram.com/munchercruncher.
She has great tips on workouts using weights, body weights, with lots of plyo. I struggled through two rounds of this workout and felt pretty spent at the end. I was dripping with sweat like I had run 3 miles in the blazing sun. My goal is to get to the recommended 4 rounds. Maybe I'll attempt it this week!
It's supposed to be another blazing hot week this week. Praying you have some a/c, or some very nice friends who do. Have a great week!