Thursday, September 19, 2013

The Hills, Bonney Lake Style. No LC or Audrina, sorry..

9/18: NTC Slim Effect, 30 Min. 4AM workout. Say whaat...
9/19: 4 Miles with Hills

Wednesday Morning: Woke up before the roosters to squeeze in a workout for the day. I knew I wouldn't get home after work at a reasonable time to justify a workout between dinner, baths, homework, etc.. What do they call that again? Oh.. yes...


So I set up alarm for *gulps* 4:00am. Rolled out of bed like a maniac.. Literally. I looked like a puffy faced, greasy haired lunatic. But I got it done. It wasn't easy and I think I'm still feeling the pain today. My quads are on fire.


Today's weather threw me for a loop. After a relatively cool weather week, today's 75 degrees kind of worked me over. Pace was ok but effort felt much more difficult. Threw in some hills just for fun because I am going to have to feel the pain if I want to get faster.

As S would say, Hills are speed work in disguise.

My legs agree.

Hills... those sneaky bastards.

Aaand.. now for no one's everyone's my favorite part:

Avg Pace

Mile 1: Warm up
Mile 2: Spent convincing myself I DID indeed want to do hills. Was a really long 2nd mile...
Mile 3: Up and down a long stretch of (partially shaded! BONUS) sidewalk, ending in a relatively steep incline. Twice (That is all I could handle, ok?)
Mile 4: Cool down and recovery/Stumble back home. The last 1/2 mile is an uphill climb back to the main road. I dread this part of my run every single time I run this loop. And yet.. I still run it. I make no sense.

Due to scheduling issues, I may attempt my 8 miles tomorrow instead of Saturday morning. Will reevaluate when I get home post work, after having spent an entire day slumped over at my desk eating chocolate covered popcorn.


I just bought a new pint of Talenti Sea Salt Caramel Gelato. HAPPY.

Pitch Perfect. Can't stop. Can't stop. 

Since you've been gone...

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