9/25: 4 Miles. Treadmill. 4 AM, people.
9/26: 5 Miles. Treadmill. 4 AM. Yuh uh.. I said it. Twice.
9/27: Rest
9/28: LR. 9 Miles. Treadmill.
This week: Alternating days of pizza and subway. Is becoming kind of a
The new treadmill and I have become fast friends. Since last Saturday, I have done all my runs (6) on the treadmill. Saturday's long was done on the rusty, crapped out one (extra points for me!) and the rest have been on the new, fancy I-love-it-so-much-I-want-to-marry-it machine.
I've decided to attempt the early morning workouts so I can have some free evenings when I get home from work. It's tough enough to fit in a a proper dinner, with baths, homework, and some family time let alone squeeze in a decent workout. I've been managing for the last year but now that all three kids are in school, the mountain of paper work, lunches and laundry feel like they've grown exponentially. Some days I feel like I'm on the brink of losing the mind. Like a crazy. What's new. Carry on.
For those of you who've known me for a while, you know that I dislike mornings like Kim K. dislikes Kris Humpries. As Kim K. would say,
"Like.. a lot.. like....".
Anyways, the last two mornings have actually been... dare I say, kind of exhilarating? Seriously, I should just punch myself in the face, that sounds so annoying. Once my alarm blares in my ear at 4:00am, I spend about 10 minutes on the office floor "stretching", and when I say stretching, I mean slumped over with my shoes half on while I attempt to pry my eye lids open with toothpicks. But when I finally get on the treadmill and get going, it's actually not... that bad! The first couple of miles are always a struggle but then again, it's like that when I run outside too. Once I get over the 2-3 mile hump, the later miles seem to be more manageable, physically and mentally.
Let's see if I can do it again this week. We'll see. Sleep, it has its way of luring me back under the covers. I love sleep.
Had grand plans to run outside today for my weekly long run - 9 miles for training week 4 - but waking up (late! whoops) to giant drops of steady rain convinced me to stay indoors and run on the treadmill - for the fourth time this week.
Not quite sure what's gotten over me. Crazy treadmill person over here. *Points to self*
Anyways, here is my workout summary. Not quite as enjoyable as the splits from my Garmin but this is the best I can do.
9 mi
94 ft
elevation gain
total time
9 Miles. Used iFit program to run a course through my neighborhood and had to power through some tough intervals/inclines. Kind of slogged through the first 4 miles and really hit my stride around mile 5 on. Relatively easy, steady pace with some ass hauling the last mile. No fuel, only water. Lots and lots of water.
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